

Our summer programme takes us to various corners of the Lake District, where we hope that good weather will prevail so we can enjoy the glorious vistas of mountains, lakes, rivers and waterfalls. For the A walkers there is the opportunity to explore and savour rugged mountain tops, and for the B's the glory of the lower fells and valleys.

A WALK: The Howgills - Wath to Sedbergh 9.5 miles, 2100 ft ascent.
Starting in the pretty Lune valley in the Lake District Eastern Fells, this walk traverses the whole of the majestic Howgills from North to South, travelling up the long valley of Bowderdale and finishing in Sedbergh. The Howgills are famously described by Alfred Wainwright as a 'herd of sleeping elephants', an apt description for their steep, rounded flanks. The summit of The Calf (2218ft|) commands an extensive panorama, although foreground detail is obscured by the extreme flatness of the plateau. A twenty-mile skyline of the Lakeland peaks can be seen, as well as the Yorkshire Three Peaks and many of the nearer Howgill Fells.

WALK A Link to OS map

WALK B: Murthwaite to Sedbergh 7.5 miles, 800 ft ascent.
Starting in the hamlet of Murthwaite, we follow the route of Wainwright's 'A Pennine journey' as it wends its way to Sedbergh, starting with a delightful section of 6 miles down the Rawthey valley - initially at high level but then dropping down to cross the river at Handley Bridge to avoid the ford crossing, deemed too full to safely cross at present. After a short stretch alongside the main road where care needs to be taken, we re-cross the river at the Cross Keys Inn, where we see the dominant mile long Cautley Crags, with a distant view of Cautley Spout. The path drops right down to the river again and passes its confluence with Clough River just before entering Sedbergh.

WALK B Link to OS map

WALK C: A gentle, mainly level stroll on good paths of approximately 6 miles taken at a leisurely pace. Details to be confirmed.

In the unlikely event of separation from the group or other emergency please take note of the following contact numbers:

Liz Moxham - 07876255849
Frank Jones - 07788736006